When Independents and Republicans were pals
Republicans and Independents were often partners in local politics in Chicago. They shared an enemy - the local Democratic Party Machine.
In the 50th Ward, four-term GOP Ald. Jack Sperling was endorsed by IVI, IPO, Jesse Jackson’s Operation Breadbasket, and other Progressives in 1971.
In 1975, State Representative Art Telscer, the 44th Ward Republican Commiteeman, endorsed Ald. Dick Simpson for re-election and shared space with him in a local community service office.
Independents campaigned for a split ticket in general elections and major Republican candidates often worked with IVI and IPO organizations rather than with the local GOP because Independents covered more precincts and were more effective vote-getters.
And Republican contributors could be counted on to help fund good government efforts like Project LEAP (Legal Elections in All Precincts), which recruited honest election judges to serve in precincts throughout Chicago.