Peeking at a map

I wanted to see the proposed new precinct boundaries for the 50th ward prior to expected alterations in the mid-1970s. There was no requirement for public display of the changes. Redrawing precincts was considered to be an administrative action, despite the political bias that was often reflected in the boundaries.

Still, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to try to get a look at them.

So, I visited the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners and asked to see the map, as if I was simply making a routine request.

Two guys I recognized as bigwigs over there approached me from the other side of the counter. One was carrying a map and holding a pencil.

The first guy asked me if I was the Ward Committeeman. “No,” I replied. Then he asked if the Committeeman had sent me. “No,” I replied.

Then he said, in a casual, friendly way, that I should just go to the Committeeman and get his OK to see the map. And the two of them walked away.

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