Pooch and Holewinski

When 41st ward Alderman Roman Pucinski ran for Mayor of Chicago in the 1977 Democratic primary, the only elected official who supported him was State Rep. Michael Holewinski., whose supporters organized and carried the 35th ward for “Pooch.”

Holewinski was a product of Chicago’s Independent political movement and had defeated a Machine opponent in the elections of 1974 and 1976.

Pucinski did not want to appear to be allied with Holewinski nor enable Mike to use their association for his own benefit.

He wanted to be able to assure his Machine colleagues that he wasn’t challenging the Democratic organization, only Mayor Bilandic. Pooch wanted to become the leader of the Machine, not its adversary.

So, he avoided being seen with Holewinski. He did not appear with him at any political functions and he made sure no photographer would be able to snap a pic of him with his unwanted supporter.

Pucinski lost the election but won six wards on the city’s north and northwest sides that he had once represented in Congress - 35, 38, 40, 41, 45, and 50 (I led the 50th for him). He won three subsequent Aldermanic elections before losing his seat in 1991.

Holewinski was defeated for re-election in 1978, lost an Aldermanic race in 1979, and fell short in the contest for Chicago City Clerk in 1983. He then served in the admiistration of newly elected Mayor Harold Washington.

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